Thursday, October 2, 2008

Finally, a Honey Harvest!

It's been a long wait, a couple setbacks, and a lot of learning this summer. Chris has had a lot of fun doing the "beekeeping thing", and to be honest so have I. These are incredible little creatures, and we really love having them around!

We brought in the frame, which was dripping with honey. There is a machine called a honey extractor that you slide the frame into and it flings all the honey out of the wax cells! Chris doesn't have one yet, so we improvised.

We used a small little strainer, pressed the honey out of the wax and let gravity do it's thing. This was a long messy process, but fun and tasty!

We'll get the extractor for next year - we're still wiping the counters down!! And we had a single angry little bee get loose in the house. Lol... but nobody has gotten stung yet, and it was all well worth the effort!
We were only able to harvest a single frame this year, but that still gave us a decent amount of honey. This has been a year of learning for Chris and he is optimistic about next year's honey production. Through trial and error, he really seems to have gotten a good idea of how things are done. We're hoping to be able to pass out jars to everyone from next year's harvest.

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