Another fun summer weekend spent at Silver Lake Sand Dunes! We look forward to this every year. Even more so this year, now that Chris got a new truck! He was SSSOOOOO excited to try out his new Ford F-150 and put it to the test. Even I have to admit it was a different ride in the new truck - LOVED it. We drove, we swam, we laid in the sun, we camped. It couldn't have been better. I haven't had so much relaxation in a long time. Of course, as much as I love driving the dunes, the beach time is the best. I really got some sun this year! Amber and I hung on the beach with the boys, while the bigger boys had their fun.
And each night ended with a beautiful sky display. Can't wait to go back!!
Chris has a new company! He is shifting gears to pest control as opposed to wildlife control. Be sure to take a look - and keep him in mind if you or anyone you know may need his services!
Be sure to check out his website:
Here are our costumes - Chris went as "Trap" the trapper, and I was his eskimo girl!
A new puppy in the family!
Chris' mom got a new puppy! A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Molly. Isn't she adorable!?
Fall Colors Are Here..
Time's running short... be getting in our last few bike rides of the season.
Back to school for Bri!!
This will be my second semester in the Landscape Design program. I began last semester with Intro to Horticulture and Basic Architectual Design. I loved them both.
This semester I'm taking Irrigation Construction and Plant Identification (the latter of which is harder than it sounds - I have to learn MANY details about 120 different plant species). BUT, I am super excited to be taking classes again. Wow, it makes such a difference when you LOVE what you are learning about!!
Butterfly in our Garden
Chris' celebration was a lot of fun... and a LOT of laughs; hopefully signs of a great year to come!
We had so much fun visiting with everyone at our summer/birthday cookout! We were really happy so many people were able to make it! Thank you all!!
My 25th was WONDERFUL!!
Thank you, everyone, for your birthday wishes!
Moon over Lake Erie
Grandma came for a visit!
Grandma Thelma came in for a visit from Florida. It was great to get to spend some time together. Of course, it went by much too quickly.
One of the plants in my container garden - a little Johnny Jump-up, grown from seed.
What a busy summer!
We have been on the go NON-STOP and summer has only just begun. There's been so much going on that we can't do it all, but we're having fun and getting to see a lot of people! There's still a lot to look forward to this summer, but I think we'll be ready to settle in for a long winter rest once things wind down in the fall!
THE BEES ARE DOING GREAT! Hopfully we'll be getting some tasty honey before long!
Following the really bad wind storm we had here, I sent some storm damage photos to the Detroit Free Press via internet. They published a few of them online! I was pretty excited about it.
And speaking of the storm - a HUGE THANK YOUto both sets of parents for all your help while our power was out!!
It is so exciting to feel things warming up and to see all the beautiful, colorful plants emerging!
Chris let me handle the release of this cute little stinker! Yep, that's a skunk!
We didn't put our hands on this one! Chris found a bat while we were in Colorado!
I love getting to help! I did this catch and release all on my own!
Chris had to cut this fawn loose when it got tangled in a soccer net.
An ermine that Chris caught in an office building.
Chris couldn't believe what he got a call for - an african tortoise!
A large great horned owl that was in someone's yard in Novi.
Here's a little screech owl Chris got last summer. It, unfortunately, lost an injured eye but made a full recovery and went into an educationtional program.
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