I had just told mom that I want to go morel hunting this Saturday. When I pulled in the driveway at home Chris came around the corner of the house, really excited, and said, "Bri! Bri! Come here and look! If this is what I think it is, you're going to be REALLY excited!"
Sure enough, I WAS really excited!! Morels! LOTS of morels!!
All over our very own BACK YARD!!

One, two, three, four, (YUMMM) five, six, seven, (I can't wait to eat these!), eight, nine, ten.... (This is CRAZY!). We ended up collecting 28.
28!. And that's not including the few we left out that weren't in as perfect condition. No need to be greedy when there are plenty to go around. Plus, I want to leave some to spread spores so maybe we'll end up with more! :)

A few to parents, close friends, and family... and a few to us! Bon appetit!
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